Evie Spicer
I pair video with other media like text, paint, sculpture and illustration, to form a concept-based collection. I have converted video performance art conveying an emotion into visual data patterns: complex emotional states are translated into stripped-backed, mechanised forms such as grids and waveforms, representing the institutionalised numbing of the self. I’m influenced by the interplay of personal and social issues. My work balances intimacy and discomfort, building overwhelming tensions and bold statements while still reflecting upon sensitive, personal issues. I appreciate ambiguity and blurring the lines between fact and fiction. I think of my work as auto-fictional. My project is titled 'Self Disclosure: The Art of Revealing Oneself’s Truth Through The Medium of a Confessional and Personal Narrative'.
Warning: This video animation contains some disturbing content including imagery of recreational drug taking.
Edith Wright - Dinnertime for Dark Minds
I created this stop motion “Dinnertime for Dark Minds” as the final piece in my A2 art project. In my project I explored the human mind, how we suppress dark and disturbed thoughts and how that can be conveyed through art. I am fascinated by stop motion animation and thought that with its jolted uncanny movements it would be an ideal medium for creating a nightmarish piece featuring two characters, the Pigman and the Birdman, who are grotesque exaggerated representations of class and wealth.